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Kobiety nie golą się w styczniu! Zobacz najlepsze zdjęcia z akcji #januhairy

Instagram @fenellafox
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Akceptacja owłosienia na kobiecym ciele jest wciąż kłopotliwa i społecznie nieakceptowana. Dlatego wiele kobiet postanowiło przez cały styczeń nie używać maszynki do golenia. Na Instagramie publikują zdjęcia swoich nieogolonych ciał w ramach akcji #januhairy.

Przekonanie, że kobiety nie powinny golić włosów pod pachami, na nogach, czy w miejscach intymnych przez długi czas było uważane za społeczne tabu. Reklamy, tabloidy i filmy pornograficzne doprowadziły do traktowania gładkiego, ogolonego kobiecego ciała jako jedyny słuszny obraz kobiety. Niegolenie się jest publicznie nieakceptowane i często piętnowane. Włosy, które pokrywają nasze ciała wydają się nieatrakcyjne i wręcz niesmaczne. Jednak nikt nie powinien tłumaczyć się z nieogolonych nóg, czy pach. Nie jest to obowiązek żadnej kobiety.

Ten szkodliwy dla zdrowia fizycznego, a nawet psychicznego obraz ogolonej kobiety, która wygląda jak mała dziewczynka, doprowadził do powstania akcji #januhairy (od ang. January – styczeń i Hair – włosy), stworzonej przez 21-letnią studentkę, Laurę Jackson. Dziewczyna zachęca do rozstania się z maszynką do golenia choć na miesiąc. Laura rozpoczęła swoją przygodę z włosami w 2018 roku, przygotowując się do dyplomowego pokazu. Postanowiła nie golić się jednak na dłużej, przez co spotkała się z krytyką przyjaciół, a nawet własnej matki. Wtedy postanowiła rozpocząć akcję #januhairy.

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Hi I’m Laura, the gal behind Januhairy! I thought I would write a little about my experiences and how Januhairy came about… I grew out my body hair for a performance as part of my drama degree in May 2018. There had been some parts that were challenging for me, and others that really opened my eyes to the taboo of body hair on a woman. After a few weeks of getting used to it, I started to like my natural hair. I also started to like the lack of uncomfortable episodes of shaving. Though I felt liberated and more confident in myself, some people around me didn’t understand why I didn’t shave/didn’t agree with it. I realised that there is still so much more for us to do to be able to accept one another fully and truly. Then I thought of Januhairy and thought I would try it out. It’s a start at least . . . I have had a lot of support from my friends and family! Even though I had to explain why I was doing it to a lot of them which was surprising, and again, the reason why this is important to do! When I first started growing my body hair my mum asked me “Is it you just being lazy or are you trying to prove a point?” . . . why should we be called lazy if we don’t want to shave? And why do we have to be proving a point? After talking to her about it and helping her understand, she saw how weird it was that she asked those questions. If we do something/see the same things, over and over again it becomes normal. She is now going to join in with Januhairy and grow out her own body hair which is a big challenge for her as well as many women who are getting involved. Of course a good challenge! This isn’t an angry campaign for people who don’t see how normal body hair is, but more an empowering project for everyone to understand more about their views on themselves and others. This picture was taken a few months ago. Now I am joining in with Januhairy, starting the growing process again along with the other wonderful women who have signed up! Progress pictures/descriptions from our gals will be posted throughout the month. Lets get hairy ? #januhairy #bodygossip #bodyhairmovement #happyandhairy #loveyourbody #thenaturalrevolution #natural #hairywomen #womanpowe

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Kobiety za jej przykładem postanowiły wejść w nowy rok z nieogolonym ciałem i nie używać maszynki przez cały styczeń, który w założeniu akcji ma być miesiącem naturalności, samoakceptacji i odwagi. Na Instagramie można zobaczyć mnóstwo zdjęć, które publikują kobiety, by zachęcić inne do swobody ciała oraz przyzwyczaić społeczeństwo do nieogolonej pachy. Wiele kobiet, które choć raz spróbowały, przyznaje, że jest to dla nich duża ulga. Zobacz najlepsze zdjęcia z akcji, być może i ty do niej dołączysz.


1.Fenella Fox, 5 lat temu przestała golić nogi, od 2 lat nie goli także pach

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i’ve been in the modelling industry since i turned 18 and the last 5 years i haven’t shaved my legs and 2 years haven’t shaved my armpits – when i was finally brave enough to lift my arm in photos i got a lot of hate, to the point of death threats and i am regularly told it’s disgusting and i need to shave. it’s so good to see the stigma of natural body hair on women being challenged by other people! i have felt so alone in this path. the tears i’ve shed over the journey to embrace my own body hair is so ridiculous and can still be so sad for me to think about. over the last week i discovered @janu_hairy – big thanks to some of you tagging them on my profile! (please always tag me in things you think i’ll be interested in) ?? looking into the movement tonight has got me crying and i didn’t want to wait any longer to share something about it. i never know where to begin with talking about my body hair experience. the videos i shared on youtube barely touch the surface and were both anxiety inducing to film. the thought of making more weighs on me, i want to but there’s just so much i want to do… and say. the reactions to my body hair are often nasty and my audience is over 200,000 men that cannot relate. i have felt so alone, i have felt so wrong, i have felt so annoying. i have been brushing off the impact of everything and afraid to talk about it because… i’m a “strong independent woman”, i should “ignore the trolls” and there are worse things going on in the world i should be talking about right? but… it’s ok to be fed up with something. it’s ok. it sometimes feels the only audience i reach when i upload are men with a fetish and i’m fed up of my natural body being simply a fetish. i want to change this. i want to reach women and show them it’s ok to embrace it. i want to reach little girls and show them they don’t have to remove it! i want to be heard and i want to be seen outside of the sex industry. i want to be the person i needed when i was younger, the change i want to see in the world. who else is with me? what if you didn’t shave in january? what if you shared your own body hair experience? #januhairy | wearing beautiful new @harlowandfox bra.

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2. Azalea, przeciwstawia się społecznym standardom wyglądu kobiety, jak mała dziewczynka

3. Jamie Squire, solidaryzuje się z #januhairy

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Hiyaaaa it’s me parading my pits on the internet again in solidarity with #januhairy and to celebrate the overwhelmingly positive response to the hairy leg comic I posted yesterday! If you fancy a scroll I wanted to share some of the great comments I saw. I always used to share nasty, troll-y stuff but that’s NOT representative of all the amazing support I get here.? . If you’re a hairy person or just want to support others people’s bodily autonomy, go and check out @janu_hairy who are campaigning to raise money throughout January for @_bodygossip to help further their education program aiming to change young minds and their views on body image. . . If one of these comments is yours THANK YOU! I keep all the comments I share anonymous just in case anyone doesn’t want their comment to be super public. . ?Shave if you want to shave. Don’t if you don’t. If you feel like telling other people what to do with their bodies: fuck off.? . ?Body hair is not unhygienic. It’s the same as their hair on your head. But if you want to get rid of it for any reason that’s okay too. Let people do whatever they wana do with their own bods.?

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4. Morgan Mikenas, niegolenie się jest dla niej akceptacją siebie

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"There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty."~Steve Maraboli • • • @i_am_morgie~ “…Imagine if everyone just decided that today was the day they loved themselves and embraced every part of them selves. Accepting and loving your body and your "flaws" because you know they are what makes you who you are. If you are focused on being true to yourself in every moment, you are less concerned what others think, which will lead to peace of mind. When you have nothing to hide and you can freely be yourself, there is a profound peace/confidence you will emanate to the world that will inspire others.”? • • • All the girls joining in januhairy are shaving off their body hair on New Year’s Eve (Monday 31st) ready to kick start the new year with a new challenge! We have many women who have signed up for this charity project so far, from the age range of 16-60! ✨?✨? Sign up and join in while you can! #3daysleft #januhairy #thenaturalrevolution #bodyhairmovement #bodypositive #spreadlove #behappy #namaste#hairywomen #healing #healthylifestyle #selfcare #loveyourself #beyourself #bethechange #divine #inspireothers #inspirationalquotes #positivity #goodvibesonly #lifeisbeautiful #hairy #gratitude #weareone #higherconsciousness #freespirit #empowerment #smile #feelgood #bodygossip

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5. Maya Felix, nie chce wspierać firm, które przedstawiają ogoloną kobietę jako idealną

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eeeeek i’ve just learnt about januhairy!! it’s always so exciting for me to see new waves of this movement of body nonconformity. it’s gaining a lot of attention from the media which is EXACTLY what is needed. people need to be reminded over and over that what women choose to do with their bodies is THEIR OWN DAMN CHOICE. people need to see women who do not care to change themselves to fit our society’s bullshit beauty standards until seeing that becomes the norm. that is the only way we can change the standards . shave or don’t, i don’t care or judge you either way, it’s your choice! but i do encourage all women to think about the changes they make to their bodies and think about why they do it. who they do it for . personally, there are so many reasons i don’t shave my armpits and very few reasons why i would. but one of my biggest motivators not to is knowing that by not shaving i am actively choosing not to give money to companies, and the people who run them, that think that women’s bodies aren’t good enough the way they naturally are . so, go follow @janu_hairy !! put something different on your insta feed – if you’re unsure about stopping shaving, it may help shift your perspective to see the beauty in it.

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6. Miskmask, przeciwstawia się kreowaniu obrazu w mediach społecznościowych, że „włosy są obrzydliwe”

7. Kaya Szulczewska, założycielka @ciałopozytyw, promuje ruch bodypositive

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Jesteśmy kobietami. Mamy włosy na ciele. Na rękach, nogach, łonach, brzuchach, plecach, twarzach. Nasze włosy są od jasnego blondu, po czarną jak smoła czerń. Od cienkich i delikatnych, prawie niewidocznych, po gęste, grube i widoczne nawet z bardzo daleka. Od małego uczy się nas, że włosy na ciele są nieporządane, złe, paskudne. Przekaz jest jasny. To klarowny roztwór dyskryminacji, nienawiści i presji. Media, reklamy, cała pop kultura, koledzy i koleżanki ze szkoły, często członkowie rodziny, opiekunowie, nieraz nieznajomi na ulicy – wszyscy jednym głosem mówią nam, co powinnyśmy myśleć i czuć w związku z naszym ciałem, jego małą, cienką, wyrastającą z cebulki częścią. Włosów używa się jako pretekstu, by z nas szydzić, by nas poniżać, porównywać do zwierząt, śmiać się z nas, musztrować, zmuszać nas do torturowania ciała, do uważnego przyglądania się samym sobie, czy pasujemy do kanonu, do wąskiej foremki narzuconej z góry. Nie pasujesz? Poczuj dyskomfort. Zrezygnuj z czegoś. Nie idź na basen. Przełóż spotkanie. Wycofaj się. Przygotuj. Bez tego będziesz inna, trudna, zbuntowana, nie każdy to zaakceptuje. Pewnego dnia sama w to wierzysz. Po prostu lubisz być gładka. Do tego wiesz, że włosy są brzydkie, że psują wizerunek, a przede wszystkim sprawiają, że czujesz się brudna. Bolesna depilacja, krwawa nauka używania golarki, kosztowny laser – przynoszą ulgę. Pasujesz. Jesteś czysta, ale każdy nowy milimetr przypomina Ci, że walka trwa, wygrałaś bitwę, ale wciąż jesteś na wojnie ze swoim ciałem. Spytaj się siebie: Czy kiedyś z czegoś zrezygnowaś z powodu odrostu? Czy widziałaś kiedykolwiek swoje ciało z włosami zapuszczonymi na max? Czy jeśli czujesz do włosów obrzydzenie, to możesz powiedzieć, że nie czujesz presji golenia? Czy gdybyś miała włosy na full nie wstydziłabyś się iść na basen? Wrzucić zdjęcie do Internetu? Spotkać ze znajomymi na plaży? Czy jesteś wolna? Czy twój wybór może być wolny w społeczeństwie, które wywiera taką presję? @cialopozytyw @janu_hairy @bodyhairmovement @natural.femininity @gethairyfebruary @allyournaturalbeauty

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8. Maria, włosy, nie mają dla niej znaczenia

9. Kelly, nie goli się, by uniknąć podrażnień od maszynki

10. Veronika Kusalikova, chce pokazać, że ciała kobiet są piękne z włosami i bez

11. Elle Marie Elzien, przestała golić się w połowie 2016 roku

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So if you know me then you know that I choose not to shave my pits. Lots of people ask me why so I figured since there’s this #januhairy thing happening on social media why not talk about it?! ? I think I stopped shaving my pits mid 2016 after coming across @ripsnorter on ig. She was beautiful and just so happened to not shave either and that’s when I realized who fucking cares about hair. I’m half Lebanese, hairy by nature. When i shave my hair grows back within minutes, it’s truly pointless and a waste of shower time for me considering how much hair I have to groom solely on my head. So i stopped. Eventually i stopped shaving all together because it simply did not benefit me anymore. Fastforward 3 years and i haven’t bought a single use razor since then. Sometimes I’ll shave because I feel like it and that’s the point. It should be a choice! Not a beauty standard. ? Sure there’s tons of criticism but it has benefited me in so many ways. No more ingrowns or razor bumps, I don’t sweat as much, I used to always have sweat circles on my sleeves, contrary to popular belief my pits don’t stink and I rarely use deodorant now because of that, and i have much more time in the shower now that I’m not incessantly worrying about removing every last strand of hair on my body. Oh and it’s also helped me weed out shallow potential mates in this freaky dating world because I don’t want to be with someone who’s not comfortable with my body choices. ? The point is, do whatever you want because it’s your body. Someone is always going to have something negative to say so you may as well do whatever is going to benefit you. Happy Januhairy! I challenge you to put down the razor next time you’re feeling called! ? @michaeldrummondphoto

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12. Alexandra Myth, wierzy, że każda kobieta jest sexy

13. Sab, nie goli się od kilku lat

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? #januhairy

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14. Anna Marcikova, dołączyła w styczniu do akcji #januhairy

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Well I've heard it's #januhairy now, so I decided to join. I had begun to shave in elementary school after I went to a swim class and one classmate asked me why I don't have shaved armpits. I still remember the feeling of surprise and humiliation that something is wrong with my body. At this age, you can easily get the impression that if you're not doing what everyone else is doing, something is wrong with you. I often heard in high school that I would be more attractive if I didn't have such hairy hands. With time, it gradually became clear to me that the main reason why I shave is mainly the inner pressure from this learned norm and the automatic expectation of the society. It sounds banal, but I think this pressure on women is really strong and unnecessary. Now I'm satisfied with all my hair because the hairs are normal. Peace out @janu_hairy @bodyhairmovement @gethairyfebruary #natural #woman #body #bodypositive #beauty #happy #bodyhair

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15. Eiha Sleepyhead, przyłączyła się do akcji #januhairy

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more #januhairy ♡

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16. Frika Fredrika, po 15 latach usuwania włosów przestała to robić

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#januhairy . Vi lever i en verklighet där det anses extremt, äckligt, ofräscht och okvinnligt att som kvinna låta sin naturliga kroppsbehåring bestå. Att som kvinna låta bli att raka sig, vaxa sig och på andra sätt avlägsna sin kroppsbehåring. Kroppsbehåring som i relation anses naturligt för en man att ha. Detta för att vi också lever i en verklighet där kvinnan endast är till för mannens njutning och för att anses attraktiv måste passa in i någon skev pre-pubertal mall. . Jag slutade inte att raka mig på grund av något slags statement. Jag låter bli att raka mig för att jag helt enkelt inte längre har något intresse av att umgås med människor som har en åsikt om min kropp. För jag har ju aldrig rakat mig för min egen skull, för att jag på något sätt skulle må bättre av det. Tvärtom är det en befrielse att efter 15 år av att till och med raka bort håret på armarna och mer eller mindre ett helt liv där jag har försökt passa in i en omöjlig mall, äntligen inse att mitt värde inte ligger i mitt utseende och speciellt inte i min kroppsbehåring. . För vi vet ju att det egentligen inte är varken extremt eller ofräscht med hår på kroppen. Och ska vi prata kvinnlighet så borde det, snarare än att pleasea mannen, handla om att som kvinna lyckas finna styrkan i sig själv trots de snäva och strikta mallar vi kvinnor förväntas hålla oss inom. Och jag är säker på att ju mer vi pratar om det, visar det och normaliserar det så hjälper vi varandra att börja leva för det som faktiskt är viktigt och inte för att passa in i en toxisk mall gjord för det manliga könet.

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17. Linnea, wystąpiła w sesji zdjęciowej pokazując swoje włosy

18. Lera Kazakevich, dołączyła do ruchu #januhairy

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Брить или не брить? Намедни один мой подписчик пишет: -Лови, Лерка #januhairy , идея для поста, ты ж феминистка. -Да меня это особо не волнует, каждому-свое. -А как мне это развидеть? И в чем смысл этого флэшмоба? И вот тут-то меня понесло. Мне правда все равно, кто-то хочет брить пусть бреет, кто не хочет – пусть не бреет. Это личное дело и выбор каждого – в этом как раз смысл флэшмоба, что ЖЕНЩИНЫ МОГУТ ВЫБИРАТЬ, а на это мне очень не все равно. Конечно, мужику, которому социум и не пикнет про растительность на теле, очень просто осудить и сказать: «фу, мерзость», но у меня встречный вопрос: «вы вообще в курсе каково это?», ладно бритье – пусть и безболезненное, а у 90% вызывает раздражение и зуд, но восковая или лазерная эпиляция, особенно в области бикини – это же гребаный мать его ад!!! Почему красота должна требовать жертв? Как растительность вообще влияет на способности в сексе или деторождение? Гигиена?! Окей, а мужчин, которые не бреются, выходит она не касается. Да и почему мужчинам бороду или усы носить можно, а женщинам волосы на лобке нет? Что это за двойные стандарты? Самое смешное, что всего-то в 20ом веке зародился тренд на женское бритье – это ни больше ни меньше такой же маркетинговый ход,как с целлюлитом. Началось все с журнала «Harper’s Bazaar» в 1915 году, чтобы ввести в моду платья с обнаженными подмышками и голенями, а к ним еще потом продавать чулки и бритвы. А там дальше понеслась идея развиваться и мы пришли к тому, что женщины даже отказываются от секса, просто потому что её лобок сегодня не похож на персик. То есть логично предположить, что все тренды и каноны нам диктуют СМИ. Так почему сейчас женщины не могут использовать ровно такой же инструмент для пропаганды своей идеи?! Почему нам вообще нужна борьба с любыми стереотипами?! Потому что кем-то придуманные стандарты и вызывают у людей комплексы, неврозы, депрессию и прочие расстройства психики, что на сегодняшний день и является эпидемией, похлеще чумы. ___________________________________________________________#bodypositive#feminism#girlpower#beautiful#minsk#belarus#феминизм#осознанность#бодипозитив#минск#беларусь

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19. @bruxamarela, zachęca do #januhairy

20. Iztok Gartner, wspiera #januhairy,  „Bądź dzika i wolna”

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Full support for #Januhairy! Be wild and free.

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21. Emery Smith – owłosienie ciała jest częścią człowieka

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Just your gentle and loving reminder that whatever your gender, body hair is just another part of being human. Whether you show it, grow it or shave it is totally up to you. I spent far too many years of my life ashamed of my legs and covering them up. I hated shaving them but felt like I wasn't allowed to show hairy legs in public. Well no more my friends! Embracing my non-binary-ness over the last few years has given me the confidence I needed to breakdown these unfairly gendered expectations we so often subconsciously place on ourselves and others. And so now these hairy pins get shown off all summer long, at the pool, at the gym, and guess what? No one cares. The world doesn't end. I am no longer ashamed, I am proud. You be you, and I'll be me. ? . #hairylegs #bodyhair #endgendernorms #endgenderstereotypes #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivity #januhairy #nonbinary #genderqueer #agender #nonbinarypride #theythem #oneofthem #gendernonconforming #gnc #gendercreative

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22. Seer Satnam, wspiera januhairy

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Letting go as I grow and maintaining the gym flow ????? . . #januhairy #gymflow . . . . Does my armpit hair make me look ….Absolutely nothing but comfy in my own skin. Look I’m biracial. That means I have thick hair honey. I’m not reissuing myself razor burn daily for anyone’s visual preference. I caught this guy checking me out at the gym today while I had my sweater on and was doing yoga. Then saw his face as I took off my sweater shift from Heeeeeey mama to bloody hell why. Okay maybe those weren’t his exact thoughts but you get the picture. It burned for a second but then I remembered. It’s none of my damn businesses what anyone thinks about me. Oh silly boy with the itty, bitty …………mind. Do your muscles and armpit hair make you feel more masculine? Well guess what? Ladies sport those as well now. ? . . #letitgo #noshavenoshame #ladieslift #girlpower #yoga #ladiesleaveyomanathome #flex #personaltraineronline #wander #mealplans #stigmafree #authenticity #zenbody #dreadstylesforwomen #mixedchick #bodybuildingwomen #2019goals #growthmindset #justbeyou #loveandlight

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23. Alisa, przestała się golić w 2018 roku

24. FurMama Floribella, chce być wolna od społecznych standardów

25. Brett Marynn Wulfson, wspiera #januhairy

26. Spohia Nova Ordell, stawia na naturalność

27. Paw Print, walczy z przekonaniami, że kobieta powinna być delikatna

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#januhairy i was body shamed when i was younger for my bodyhair and facial hair because i wasn't shaving/waxing it as soon as it grew over again and it has been tough to get to this self acceptance that we wemen don't need to always fit the standards and we don't need validation from anyone else but ourselves about our own body. Cause you were born this way baby. We are constantly fighting against stupid invisible rules that make us invisible or invalide because it's a truth that scares some people, to think men and women have things in common is confusing for some and should not be seen as a weakness it is not something that should put one against another . And if it can burn the shit of of this misconception that women should be gentle, soft and infantilised too often then i'm posting this for all the times someone made me feel like i was a freak. Women of all shapes,all sizes, all bodies have the right to be considered not just for what their physic apparence has been meaning to this culture but for what they have to say , what they think and live, and choose to become. And a good way to start i guess is making visible the posibility of being,feeling beautiful no matter what , and accepting ugly as a normal thing , since it is a huge burden , women all around the globe have been caring for centuries, to please the other's eyes, now it may be time to please ourselves, fuck it, love. ?‍♀️?‍♂️?‍????? ?? #bornthisway #hairladygaga #youdontevenknowwhativebeenthrough #vogue #madona #expressyourself #frida #gatacattana #lysistrata #comoladeesastantasputasquemuerencallando

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28. Victoria DeVine, przeciwstawia się przemysłowej manipulacji wizerunkiem idealnej, ogolonej kobiety,  wyglądającej jak mała dziewczynka

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When is the last time you checked on your self? Have you ever looked deep within your self to understand the root of all these over whelming emotions that keep you from fully enjoying your sacred gift of life? Do you ever tell your self how grateful you are to be alive, and you're doing a great job at existing? To those of you who had a damaging child hood, you are not that defenseless child anymore, your words are powerful, and have meaning. To those who have endured traumatic relationships, that wasn't true love, that was attachment to someone who you are meant to let go of. You're worthy of true love, and that begins from within. To those who endure any illness or disability, you're not being punished. Your outer vessel isn't the same as everyone, or your mind processes differently, this doesnt mean your spirit within isn't as just as Divine. We are the eternal life force within. The experiences that have molded us into who we are today aren't always positive, sometimes they are the ones that send us into a depression for years, or make us too anxious to even interact with other's; so we shut everyone out, including the emotions. The truth is we are only as miserable as we allow our self to be, our mind set determines our over all state of happiness. All it takes is the courage to embrace those experiences that have brought us pain, feel what needs to be felt, and make peace with them by accepting they are chapters in our life that had purpose in creating our current, evolved, thought processing. When we do so we release blockages of spiritual energy through out our chakras, strengthen our aura, make room for growth, and gain wisdom. Be Like the trees who let the leaves they have held onto for so long fall to the earth once they no longer serve them, because they know the fallen leaves breaking down become food, that will feed them the energy they need to grow new, luscious leaves. You are doing amazing at existing… that's all that is expected of you. Exist. Breathe. Experience. Learn. Heal. Transform. Love. Enjoy the journey, it's all for you and I…to be here now…exactly as we are. #loveyourself #selflove #betruetoyou #spirituality #writersofinstagram

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29. Alice Cox, przestała golić pachy 2 lata temu

30. Fernanda Vilas Boas, popiera #januhairy

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